
Friday, May 21, 2010



Front struts of "E28" E28 live on in this car now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010



Shocks and springs of "E28" E28 live on in this car now.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The car was totaled in an accident (no injuries, no fatalities, in case you're wondering).

It would've been a waste of perfectly good parts to just scrap the car, so the decision was made to buy it out and part it.

The process in its early stages, all updates will be posted right here. For now, let's just say that the right front quarter (part #41351961672 is demolished together with the steering, oil pan is gone, one wheel out of four survived. The rest is to be defined.

UPDATE: The parting process is over, the car is in piles of parts on the floor now. They still need to be identified and cataloged - but mostly, this is your usual set of parts - frame damage made the car a wreck, but parts are mostly fine.
Exact list of original parts for this specific car (obtained by VIN lookup) can be found at realoem.com.

Following is the part list (live document, updated as the work progresses). If the part is not listed, it hasn't been taken off yet. Note, the spreadsheet is scrollable in both directions. Full screen version is here. Shipping origin zip code is 85254.

If you want parts, leave a comment with the part number and contact information. Comments are moderated, your identity will not be disclosed.